About Us

FCKFAT is a weight loss blog for the real world. We’re not your typical diet and health website. We’ve set out to cover the most hyped and most notorious fat burning supplements around to give you real strategies for losing weight.

If you’re tired of dieting and never seeing results, we commiserate. Our team is made of up individuals who were in the exact same situation, but researched techniques and strategies that really can help you control your appetite, ramp up your metabolism and boost your body’s ability to burn fat. We know it works because we’ve seen hundreds of real-world case studies where taking the optimal balance of nutrients and supplements can rapidly promote fat loss.

We review supplements and drugs that you won’t often find discussed on other websites to help you hack your thermogenic rate, your hormone balance and more for maximized results in short periods of time. Combined with an effective exercise plan and some basic strategies for foods you eat, we know we can help you lose weight!