Ventolase is the name brand of the central nervous system stimulant Clenbuterol
It is often called Clen in the bodybuilding world.
It is not considered a steroid, but a “Beta-2 Sympathomimetic.”
Although the drug was not designed or approved for it, bodybuilders use Ventolase clen to boost calorie expenditure by slightly elevating the body’s core temperature.
Animal testing indicates that the drug may have anabolic properties as well.
Many athletes use Ventolase clen after steroid regimes in order to achieve a more cut look.
Where to Buy Ventolase
Ventolase for sale is mostly only available in Spain at this time.
This name brand is elusive and hard to find to make purchases online.
The price should be around €0.50 – 1.00 per pill, more than that and you are most likely getting ripped off.
The generic name of the drug, Clenbuterol, is easier to get from several different online sources.
Ventolase Dosage
Ventolase should not be taken for long periods of time without a break, yet the breaks should be well planned, and quantity of oral pill use should taper at the end.
With a thermogenic, side effects may be evident and a shock to the system can occur if the usage is not purposefully lessened at the end of the cycle.
The most common Ventolase cycle begins with 20 or 40mcg on day one. Each day or two the dose is increased by 20mcg. This is continued until a max dose of up to 140 mcg is reached (for some people they may only go as high as 100 mcg).
After 14 days, you take a 14-day break from Clenbuterol completely, before starting at the same dose left off.
In weeks 3 and 4, some people like to take an ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin combination (ECA stack) to help offset the inevitable crash your body takes after coming off the Clen.
The bodybuilding community tends to disagree about the exact dosages that are appropriate for an individual.
Originally it was thought that a two-day-on/two-day-off approach was the way to go, based on studies conducted on livestock.
However this cycle is ineffective with humans, due to the half-life of Ventolase, and the fact that the Clenbuterol is most likely still in the system when the new dose is started.
A better way is the 2-week-on/2-week-off method with ECA stacks in between, as detailed above.
Males and females should be taking different doses. Men can take approximately 100-140 mcg a day, whereas women should stay at lower dosages in the range of 80-100 mcg per day.
How Does Ventolase Work?
As a thermogenic compound, Ventolase slightly raises the body’s natural core temperature, so the body is able to burn more calories.
This is especially attractive to bodybuilders, and to people who are looking to lose weight.
There have been many accounts of remarkable weight loss from the use of this product, especially when it is combined with the likes of additional fat-burning products.
Side Effects of Ventolase
Possible side effects from Ventolase Clenbuterol are:
- nervousness/restlessness upon downtime
- palpitations of the heart
- involuntary tremor (usually materializes at the fingers)
- headache, sometimes severe
- dry mouth that cannot be regulated with water consumption
- increased perspiration (even at rest)
- anxiety
- insomnia
- muscle spasms
- hypertension/increased blood pressure
- nausea and vomiting
These are often temporary Clenbuterol side effects that begin subsiding after a period of 8-10 days, even when the product continues to be used.
In terms of long-lasting effects on the body, there has been a failure to test on humans as of yet. In 1994, however, 140 people were hospitalized in Spain because they had consumed meat tainted with the drug.
One site reports that studies have been done on animals that may suggest that Clenbuterol can expand the size of the heart muscle cells, which can have a major impact on the output of blood that is pumped.
An irregular heartbeat is a possible long-term effect, which can, in turn, lead to stroke. Rodent studies showed an increase in aortic enlargement after exercise, which can lead to rupture and death.
Ultimately, Ventolase is not meant for humans to lose weight.
Do not over-use the drug, and do not take it for too long a period of time in order to stay safe. Also, be sure to go to regular medical check-ups.