In recent years, the drug Klenprime has gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes.
The substance is used to reduce body fat and aid in the production of fat free mass.
The clinical name for Klenprime is Clenbuterol, and the drug is also widely known by the names of Oxanprime and Clen.
Outside of the United States, Klenprime had been used for decades by veterinarians as an agent to help convert adipose tissue into lean muscle mass in livestock.
Although Klenprime is widely used by bodybuilders and athletes, it should be noted that it is not a steroid.
Klenprime Review
The intended use of Klenprime when it was developed, was be for the drug to be used as a bronchodilator.
It has also been used widely as a decongestant.
Bronchodilators are critical in the treatment and maintenance of respiratory disorders conditions like asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
Bronchodilators are used to open the bronchial tubes in the lungs allowing for the release of restricted airflow.
The properties of Klenprime can be compared to Ephedrine, however, it should be noted, Klen is more potent and its effects can last for days whereas ephedrine’s effects only last for three to four hours at a time.
Benefits & Positive Results
Athletes looking to change the composition of their bodies by decreasing body fat, and increasing fat free muscle mass have found formulations like Klenprime 60 to be very beneficial in helping them achieve their weight loss goals.
One of the biggest benefits offered to users of Clenbuterol is its ability to stimulate Beta-2 receptors. This stimulation increases metabolic activity which raises the temperature of the body.
This in turn expedites the rate that the body turns fat into fuel. This process helps the body burn fat more efficiently.
An increase in the resting metabolic rate results in the body’s ability to burn fat during the course of a day.
Studies show Klenprime is an agent that spares muscles. This means that the users of the agent benefit from its ability to burn fat instead of muscle to fuel the body.
Some users of Klenprime 60 also report a decreases appetite. It should be noted however, that this is not the case of all users of the product.
Appetite suppression is a phenomenon which varies from person to person. Improved cardiovascular efficacy is also a notable benefit associated with the use of Klenprime.
Recommended Klenprime Dosage & Cycle Length
One of the Klen 60 tablet side effects is the down regulation of beta receptors. Because of this effect, Clenbuterol should not be used for extended periods of time.
The most recommended cycle for taking Klenprime is the two weeks on two weeks off cycle. Each time you increase the dose slightly, often starting with 20mcg and leading up to 100-140mcg.
To achieve optimal results, the recommended dose of Klenprime is 60 to 120 mcg per day. It is recommended that people start with small dosages of Klenprime, and gradually increase the dosage until the maximum dosage is reached.
Users of the product, should keep a log so that they can document how the drug is affecting their body, and if they have experienced any side effects.
In preparation of the end of the cycle, dosages should be gradually tapered down until the lowest dosage is reached.
Klenprime Side Effects
One of the side effects associated with the use of Klen as reported by users of the drug, is feelings of having the jitters.
Other users have reported difficulties in being able to fall to sleep, and some have complained of insomnia during their cycles of use.
In rare circumstances, instances of abdominal cramping have been reported. The most concerning side effect of Klen is cardiac hypertrophy.
Cardiac hypertrophy is a thickening of the outer layer of the heart which causes the chamber of the heart to decrease in size. Cardiac hypertrophy also occurs in persons who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Avoidance of clenbuterol side effects can mostly be avoided by users if they do not ingest more than the recommended dosage.
It is also important for users of Klenprime to monitor their daily intake of fluids, and to make sure that they take in the minimum of eight full 8oz glasses of water each day.
Where To Buy
Klenprime is fairly easy to obtain from a variety of online sources.
The Klenprime price range varies from site to site, however it can be purchased at a price of $16.00 on the low end to approximately $60.00 on the higher end in the United States.
The Klenprime price in india is considerably lower. Eminence Labs, which is located in India, is one of the best known places on the internet to purchase good quality Klen. But check with legal regulations in your country before importing it.
Klenprime Reviews & Testimonials
Users of Klenprime often swear by the results that they have experienced as a result of using the product.
Reviews have been consistent in regards to the ratings that the product has received.
In one Klenprime review a user stated that they had taken Klen Prime for two cycles. They went on to say that not only did they notice, weight loss, they also stated that they had an increase in their energy level.
Other notable Klenprime reviews include the following:
“I received my package in a timely fashion, and I was able to see almost immediate weight loss.” James Warren
“I can’t believe the amount of weight that I have lost as a result of taking this product. I did have some issues with stomach cramps when I first started taking the product, however that subsided within a couple of days.” Harry Jones
“I have tried a number of products over the years to increase my lean muscle mass and to help me lose weight. Nothing had worked for me in the past. Klenprime has been a real game changer for me.” Avery Smith
It’s important to realize that Klenprime will affect everyone’s body differently, and that the risk of side effects is severe. Do your research before buying.